Saturday, June 8, 2013

Writing Update for June 8, 2013

Starting now, I will begin providing updates on my blog ( and by connection, my personal website ( intermittently to keep my readers up to date on the projects that I'm working on and what's coming next. I'll divide the updates into sections so you can skim to find the products you're interested in, but I hope you'll read through it all and maybe find interest in something that you didn't even know I was working on. A novice writer can hope.

From the Ruin of Extinction: Refuge Book 1

This Christian Fantasy novel is completely finished and ready for publication. The only thing hindering it is the book cover. I planned out the cover and Ryan Campbell, my book cover guy and images guy, was able to put together a wonderful looking cover. The only problem is we needed a certain image that we couldn't find free to use online, or even to pay for, and so we will have to create that image ourselves. Once that is finished, and hopefully it will be in the coming weeks, we'll finish up the book cover and I can get it out to you guys.

The Anderson Series

I've done a recent update on Cicada Song, fixing some minor comma issues and things of that nature. The Paperback is updated and ready to go, but I'm holding off on updating the eBooks because I want to link From the Ruin of Extinction in there, and I can't do that until the book cover is finished. So when From the Ruin of Extinction comes out, Cicada Song's eBook will also be up to date.

As for the sequel that I'm currently writing, I'm very proud of how it's turning out. I'm 22 chapters into the story as of the writing of this update, which I estimate at being a third of the way through. It is still tentatively titled Not Quite Home, but I'm open to changing that title. I have other options that I'll be posting on facebook soon for people to give me their opinions on, but for now, Not Quite Home is sticking... even if my wife Holly doesn't care for it :)

As for the story itself, it's a new story starring a new character named Adam Bailey. If the name Bailey sounds familiar, it's because he's the older brother of Michael Bailey, Sara Campbell's first boyfriend in Cicada Song (don't worry, that's not a spoiler for those of you who haven't read Cicada Song yet). The majority of the characters from Cicada Song make appearances in Not Quite Home, some are even decent secondary characters, but overall it's a new story starring new characters with a new sense of romance, mystery, and suspense. I'm trying desperately to write it so that, even though it takes place two years after Cicada Song, it doesn't ruin anything in case someone reads Not Quite Home first and then Cicada Song. And man, I'm having a blast writing it.

The Flitter & Plank Series

I've updated The Adventures of Flitter & Plank due to there being quite a few errors in the most recent edition. This occurred because I entrusted the editing of the story to a retired editor but foolishly did not proofread his edits. He did a great job but somehow managed to add in mistakes that weren't there before, such as replacing the letter "o" with the number zero, or changing words to be grammatically correct when they weren't intended to be. Plus, I've grown as a writer since publishing this book, so I just wanted to do an overall edit to clean it up.

In the process of this edit, I came to the obvious conclusion that I probably shouldn't include Cicada Song or From the Ruin of Extinction to the "other books by this author" section because they aren't children's books. So I removed those from the eBook edition and have just uploaded the updated copy for new readers. The Paperback edition still has Cicada Song listed, but I'll be taking that out soon and update the files for my future readers.

After a wonderful experience that you can read about in my previous blog, I've decided to write the second Flitter & Plank novel once I finish Not Quite Home. It will be a quick project, hopefully taking me only a couple months from beginning to end, but it's something that I've had several kids request, including my daughter Kelsey.

Tentatively, the book will be called The Temptation of Flitter.

I will begin the writing of the second Refuge book following the second Flitter & Plank story.

The Quest for Light

When I first started writing, I wrote an epic-length fantasy adventure that I always wanted to go back and redo. That became From the Ruin of Extinction. I planned on doing the same thing to my second novel, a Young Adult fantasy novel called The Quest for Light. However, I've recently looked it over and have decided that it didn't need rewritten, just a lot of editing. I've begun converting it from present tense to past tense and have began some series edits on it. It's sort of a project between projects, and I'll release it whenever it's finished. I don't know when that will be. You'll know when I know more.

I had originally planned The Quest for Light as a series, though the first book is completely stand alone. I don't know if I will continue with that plan yet, as I have more than enough projects to keep me busy without adding follow ups for The Quest for Light, but it might happen. I still love the ideas I had and would love to come back to them. Maybe if I get some good feedback, then I'll move forward. We'll see.

Other Non-Novel Projects

The art is currently being turned in for my short comic book story in the third volume of ICONIC through the Comicbook Artist Guild. The original artist had other obligations come up and left the project, so I now have a young, aspiring artist who is having a lot of fun drawing my story. The overall project is progressing nicely and is scheduled to debut at the 2013 New York Comic Con. Once I get a link to where it can be bought online, I'll add it to my website and let you guys know.

This is an audio drama that I've written for a local film-making company called Witch Doctor Films. It will be included as an extra with their upcoming film starring the same character, though the audio drama is a separate story taking place after the film. The story has been recorded by the voice actors and I believe it is being edited right now. I'll keep you updated as to when it and the film will be released.

Yeah, this one's new. My friend Tom and I began writing a comic book years ago but it fell by the wayside for various reasons. Well, we've decided to give it another go as a series of graphic novels, but this project is still in its early stages, so I don't want to say too much. We're tweaking the plot and layout and I'm working on pulling an artistic team together. When we feel confident enough to give out more information, I'll be sure to fill you in.

The Future!
I plan on working on Rumor throughout the Summer between my novel projects. The Quest for Light will come out when it's ready, but I don't know when that'll be. I'm guessing sometime after The Temptation of Flitter. As for my planned novels, here is the tentative schedule as to what I am writing when. Note: All titles are tentative.

Not Quite Home (The Anderson Series: Book 2)
The Temptation of Flitter (The Flitter & Plank Series: Book 2)
Refuge Book 2 (No official title yet)
Janie's Gift (The Anderson Series: Book 3)
Refuge Book 3 (No official title yet)

I have a lot more stories in my head that I plan to do after these, but I don't want to plan too far in advance because you never know what can change. I hope to finish these books around Summer of 2015, but we'll see how that goes. Things are always flexible, as is the order of these projects. I might throw in another Flitter & Plank novel between Janie's Gift and the third Refuge book. In addition to these, I have at least three more Anderson novels already planned, another fantasy series that might end up being Young Adult, a paranormal novel, and a graphic novel idea. And there are others that aren't fleshed out enough to call an official idea, but they're on their way. And of course, there is the chance of me continuing The Quest for Light after that book launches.

So there you have it. You are now entirely up to date on my writings as of June 8, 2013. More updates to come as things change, but until then, tell your friends and family. Spread the word!

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